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We Have

Spiders Treatment


Available round the clock, without any additional callout fees

Many people think spiders are insects. Actually, they belong to a different order of the animal kingdom—the arachnids. Spiders are more closely related to ticks and scorpions than to cockroaches and wasps. This is good news! Unlike insects, spiders cannot fly, and there’s no chance for arachnids to evolve wings in the foreseeable future. Spiders are easily distinguished from insects by the fact they are eight-legged. They have segmented bodies that come at all different shapes and sizes. Most spiders have eight eyes although they are hard to see with the naked eye. Almost all spider species produce spider silk through spinnerets in the back of their bodies. They also have fangs with which they hold their prey. Unlike insects, spiders do not have antennae. There are over 650 species of Spider in the U.K. Of these native species only 12 have been recorded as capabale of biting humans and of these only 2 or 3 Spiders have known to give a significant or unpleasant bite – the Cellar Spider, Woodlouse Spider and the infamous False Widow Spider. If bitten by a spider, it usually has little effect, apart from leaving puncture marks and the area may swell and become itchy.

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